Delhi Park Community Connections
In 2022, The County received a grant from Infrastructure Canada's Active Transportation Fund to design a plan for a series of pathways into and through Delhi Park in Picton. The goal of the plan is to develop active transportation routes through Delhi Park to better connect the town of Picton, while improving accessibility and public safety so that the park can be used and enjoyed by all.
To develop the plan, the County engaged the contracted services of VTLA Landscape Architects and worked with a municipal Task Team to guide the project.
The final conceptual plan illustrates the long-term vision for Delhi Park to act as a hub for active transportation that will better connect the Town of Picton. The final report of the project, the Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan describes the project as a whole, how it came together and next steps. Additional project information includes:
- Design Principles
- Delhi Park as a connector of Picton
- Design Precedents and Public Engagement Overview
- Phase 1 - Macaulay Village to Main St.
- Staff Report to Committee of the Whole (June 13, 2024)
The design phase of the project is now complete. As directed by Council, Staff is now seeking funding opportunities to begin a phased approach to implement the Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan. For additional information on the project, click here.
In 2022, The County received a grant from Infrastructure Canada's Active Transportation Fund to design a plan for a series of pathways into and through Delhi Park in Picton. The goal of the plan is to develop active transportation routes through Delhi Park to better connect the town of Picton, while improving accessibility and public safety so that the park can be used and enjoyed by all.
To develop the plan, the County engaged the contracted services of VTLA Landscape Architects and worked with a municipal Task Team to guide the project.
The final conceptual plan illustrates the long-term vision for Delhi Park to act as a hub for active transportation that will better connect the Town of Picton. The final report of the project, the Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan describes the project as a whole, how it came together and next steps. Additional project information includes:
- Design Principles
- Delhi Park as a connector of Picton
- Design Precedents and Public Engagement Overview
- Phase 1 - Macaulay Village to Main St.
- Staff Report to Committee of the Whole (June 13, 2024)
The design phase of the project is now complete. As directed by Council, Staff is now seeking funding opportunities to begin a phased approach to implement the Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan. For additional information on the project, click here.
Key Dates
Delhi Park Community Connections has finished this stageThis consultation is Open for contributions.
Under Review
Delhi Park Community Connections has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Completion of Design Plan
Delhi Park Community Connections is currently at this stageThe design portion of the project is now complete. Staff are seeking funding opportunities for phased implementation.
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Important Documents
Panel 1 Community Connections Plan FINAL.jpg (3.91 MB) (jpg)
Final Report_Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan.pdf (2.79 MB) (pdf)
Panel 5 - Design Principles.jpg (703 KB) (jpg)
Panel 2 - Delhi as a Connector FINAL.jpg (3.85 MB) (jpg)
Panel 3 - Design Precedents and Engagement FINAL.jpg (3.69 MB) (jpg)
Panel 4 - Phase 1 Macaulay to Main St. FINAL.jpg (3.82 MB) (jpg)