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This issue is filled with outrage, for Sir John's previous acts. It's like it's always been in the County ... you can be a great benefactor to the community ... or in this case the birth of a country ... and yet your mistakes can blacken any of your contributions in a heartbeat, for the rest of your life.

Keep in mind Sir John gave the voting rights to indigenous people, and Laurier took it away. Also note that Mac did not create residential schools, but inherited them from the former ruling powers, much to the agreement of the House of Commons, and pretty much everyone in the world at the time.

The treatment of natives, and pretty much every non-white in Canada, was abominable. According to press, there is an indigenous person on the jury (just one?). I suggest we listen to him/her, because the feedback I get from the indigenous community is all about reconciliation and reconstruction. It's only us white guys who are looking for vengeance for a 100+-year-old crime.

Sir John means nothing to them. He's dead. What happens now, to help native communities across the country? Well, we'll just be happy to take away a statue, and call it a victory, and lean smugly back in our easy chairs. That's what white people like us do. Lack of water and services in native communities? Spousal abuse? Abuse by the police? Who is standing up for that? Whew! At least we really, really helped the natives by fighting over a chunk of metal. Get rid of Sir John? Problem solved!

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