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Project Background
County Council struck the Wellington Town Hall Expression of Interest (EOI) Working Group in February 2024. The working group is tasked with recommending to Council the content and scope of an EOI related to the future use and potential sale of the Town Hall.
Working group members include Councillors Chris Braney and Corey Engelsdorfer and community members Jennifer Armstrong and Christina Zeidler.
Through the EOI process, the municipality can outline specific conditions for protecting heritage values or stipulate any future use for the site. The EOI does not bind the municipality to accept any of the proposals or take any actions. In addition, the EOI can request submissions that outline the proponent's profile and its development plan. The EOI allows the municipality to understand a proponent's projected use and operation of the property.
A similar process was followed for the municipally owned property at 282/284 Wellington Main Street (the former Wellington Convenience Store/Pizzeria). The municipality divested itself of the property through an EOI process after the formation of an internal working group and public consultation.
Project Background
County Council struck the Wellington Town Hall Expression of Interest (EOI) Working Group in February 2024. The working group is tasked with recommending to Council the content and scope of an EOI related to the future use and potential sale of the Town Hall.
Working group members include Councillors Chris Braney and Corey Engelsdorfer and community members Jennifer Armstrong and Christina Zeidler.
Through the EOI process, the municipality can outline specific conditions for protecting heritage values or stipulate any future use for the site. The EOI does not bind the municipality to accept any of the proposals or take any actions. In addition, the EOI can request submissions that outline the proponent's profile and its development plan. The EOI allows the municipality to understand a proponent's projected use and operation of the property.
A similar process was followed for the municipally owned property at 282/284 Wellington Main Street (the former Wellington Convenience Store/Pizzeria). The municipality divested itself of the property through an EOI process after the formation of an internal working group and public consultation.
The Wellington Town Hall Expression of Interest Working Group is consulting with the community to learn more about their ideas and vision. This survey is open to everyone in the community and will complement in-person engagement activities. Your survey responses will be shared with the Working Group and reported back here on Have Your Say.
This survey has four questions and should take about eight minutes to complete. If you would prefer to complete the survey by email, reach out to or call 613.476.2148 extension 1009.
Wellington Town Hall Expression of Interest is currently at this stage
Working Group undertaking consultation with public and key stakeholders as well as research to help inform the Expression of Interest
Open house at Wellington Town Hall on Saturday,December 7, 2024
Public workshop at Wellington and District Community Centre on Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Expression of Interest
this is an upcoming stage for Wellington Town Hall Expression of Interest
Through the EOI process, the municipality can outline specific conditions for protecting heritage values or stipulate any future use for the site. The EOI does not bind the municipality to accept any of the proposals or take any actions.
In addition, the EOI can request submissions that outline the proponent's profile and its development plan. The EOI allows the municipality to understand a proponent's projected use and operation of the property.
The working group provides feedback on the proposed EOI before it is issued.
For example, in 2020, the municipally owned property at 282/284 Wellington Main Street (the former Wellington Convenience Store/Pizzeria) was sold to a private owner through an EOI process after the formation of an internal working group and public consultation.
Estimated timeline for release of expression of interest: Q1 of 2025
Council Decision
this is an upcoming stage for Wellington Town Hall Expression of Interest
Staff report with prospective submissions presented to Council for final decision