Business Retention and Expansion - Trades and Construction
Consultation has concluded
Beginning in February 2024, the municipality will be engaging trades and construction businesses across Prince Edward County to identify needs, concerns or opportunities through a Business Retention & Expansion (BR+E) survey.
“The trades and construction sector is critical to unlocking housing challenges, stabilizing the workforce and growing Prince Edward County’s economy,” says Mayor Steve Ferguson. “This one-on-one survey will help build connections between employers and resources, and identify ways to grow skills and training opportunities.”
Schedule a face-to-face interview by emailing Karen Palmer at Or click the survey link, below, to answer 5 key questions. If you're willing to be contacted for follow-up or clarification, please include a phone number or email.
Examples of trades and construction businesses include:
- Carpentry
- Construction
- Residential / Commercial Development
- Electrical
- Excavating
- General Contractor
- Landscaping
- Masonry
- Plumbing
- Specialty Construction Equipment (ie crane operator)
- Tiling
The BR+E survey follows a template designed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and seeks business owner or operator views on: The County’s business climate and workforce, business development supports and community development needs, as well as the business’s future plans.
Questions will also focus on training and apprenticeships, hiring qualified workforce and the impact of childcare, transit and housing, among others.
Data collected from the survey will be analyzed by an advisory group made up of representatives from Loyalist College, Career Edge, The County Foundation and the Prince Edward Learning Centre with the goal of customizing new programs and training opportunities to meet key needs.
The BR+E program will also involve elected officials for scheduled interviews. To sign up for an interview, please contact Karen Palmer, Economic Development Officer, at