Final zoning strategy and survey results now available
The final Zoning Strategy is now available for review. Click here to view the document.
The final Zoning Strategy incorporates the input received from the second round of consultation with County staff, external agencies and organizations, and members of the community. It also includes an ‘As We Heard It’ summary of the feedback received in Phase 2 of the engagement program for the Zoning By-law Review. The summary also includes the results of the survey that was conducted in June-July 2023.
Next steps in the project will be preparation of the County’s new Draft Zoning By-law. The recommendations from the Zoning Strategy and feedback heard in Phase 1 and 2 of the project will form the basis of updates for the Draft Zoning By-law.
The Draft Zoning By-law will be made available for public review in Fall 2023 and will be presented at a future public open house in the County in late Fall 2023.