Online survey open; public open house follow-up
Thank you to all who attended the third public open house at the Highline Hall in Wellington on Tuesday, June 20.
For those who were unable to attend, but wish to participate, the presentation and display boards are available to view at the links below:
An online survey is now open. The survey deadline is Friday, July 14 at 11:59 pm. Click here to fill out the survey. The input collected will inform the final zoning strategy recommendations that will inform the new zoning by-law.
The Zoning Strategy will be finalized and posted to this Have Your Say page in the coming weeks. The Final Zoning Strategy will include an ‘As We Heard It’ report, which will include a summary of the input received as part of the survey. The next phase of work will include preparation of the Draft Zoning By-law, which is anticipated to be ready for public review in Fall 2023.
Questions or comments can be submitted to Michael Michaud, Manager of Planning, County of Prince Edward, at