Organics Program

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Update: This consultation has ended. Council directed staff to retain a consultant to prepare a conceptual design for a municipal organics management facility. That study would be included in the 2023 capital budget for Council's consideration. Council authorized a composter giveaway as a measure to reduce organics collection and disposal costs. Staff is also looking into the viability of developing leaf and yard composting at existing waste sites and will report back by Q2 2023.

County of Prince Edward staff are evaluating options for the future of the organics program currently offered by the municipality.

In June 2021, staff presented an update report to Council on the status of solid waste collection, disposal and diversion. Council directed staff to investigate options for improving waste diversion of organics. Read the staff report.

We are asking our residents for feedback on the current program and how they currently manage food waste. The survey below will help staff prepare recommendations to Council that will shape the County's organics program in the years to come.

Update: This consultation has ended. Council directed staff to retain a consultant to prepare a conceptual design for a municipal organics management facility. That study would be included in the 2023 capital budget for Council's consideration. Council authorized a composter giveaway as a measure to reduce organics collection and disposal costs. Staff is also looking into the viability of developing leaf and yard composting at existing waste sites and will report back by Q2 2023.

County of Prince Edward staff are evaluating options for the future of the organics program currently offered by the municipality.

In June 2021, staff presented an update report to Council on the status of solid waste collection, disposal and diversion. Council directed staff to investigate options for improving waste diversion of organics. Read the staff report.

We are asking our residents for feedback on the current program and how they currently manage food waste. The survey below will help staff prepare recommendations to Council that will shape the County's organics program in the years to come.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Help shape the future of the County's organics program. Take a moment to fill out the survey 

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Page last updated: 09 Sep 2022, 04:13 PM