The County...on the Move! PEC's Transportation Master Plan & Cycling Master Plan
Consultation has concluded
The County of Prince Edward has completed its Cycling Master Plan (CMP). This document provides direction and recommendations on The County’s network of continuous and connected cycling routes, building upon the existing cycling network; policies to aide implementation of cycling investments and foster a supportive cycling environment; and education and encouragement initiatives to facilitate behaviour change and continue to promote physical activity and outdoor recreation in Prince Edward County.
The County’s CMP followed Phase 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process for master plans. The recommended preferred alternatives were selected based on technical analysis and refined through public consultation.
The CMP final report is available in the Documents tab on the right side of this page.
What is the Cycling Master Plan?
The creation of Prince Edward County’s Cycling Master Plan was approved by Council in 2019. The Plan as proposed imagines a future for Prince Edward County where trails and cycling routes are well connected, and where cycling provides a viable transportation option for residents and visitors alike. The Cycling Master Plan aims to identify ways to better connect the County’s existing trails with key destinations in the community and develop several policies and programs to support and encourage cycling.
How can I participate?
There are many ways to participate! Join the conversation here by registering on this site and engaging with our online tools throughout the project. Take our online survey. And/or attend one of our public meetings. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!
When will the project be completed?
The Cycling Master Plan will be completed by the end of 2020.
What parts of the municipality will the project look at?
The Cycling Master Plan is a plan for all of Prince Edward County. The goal of this project is to expand Prince Edward County’s cycling network to all corners of the County, providing safe and accessible options for cycling in both the rural and urban areas all across the municipality.
Who is this project for?
Prince Edward County’s Cycling Master Plan is a project for everyone. By coming together to create a bicycle-friendly future for Prince Edward County, we are working to provide options for healthy, active living and more ways for people to move so they don't have to drive. This benefits everyone in our communities by helping to reduce traffic, save money, improve local air quality, support local economies and makes travel easier and safer for those who can’t drive, especially children.
What can cycling do for Prince Edward County?
By developing a bicycle friendly County, we are working toward providing more transportation options to Prince Edward County residents and creating important facilities for recreation and exercise. Cycling supports active lifestyles, improves physical and mental health, protects our environment and is fun! Building bicycle friendly neighbourhoods that encourage more people to use bicycles may also contribute to our community’s prosperity by reducing traffic congestion, reducing transportation and health costs, contributing to vibrant neighbourhoods and encouraging spending at nearby local businesses. As our County’s population continues to grow, especially in our urban areas, cycling can provide a quick, reliable alternative to driving, helping to reduce traffic and improve community cohesion within the County.
How is the Cycling Master Plan funded?
80% of the funding for the project is from the Province through a grant called the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program, and the remaining 20% is provided through the County's budget.